Giving Back Insider Tips Journal

10 Travel Resolutions To Make In 2019

It’s a new year, a fresh start. And with that comes small and mighty changes for all of us. As travelers, we can fall into the same habits of maneuvering through our adventures around the globe. But it’s time to adapt! Today, we’re sharing 10 travel resolutions we believe many travelers should aim to make for themselves this year. 

Find Balance With Our Screens

Is traveling unplugged possible? We definitely think it is. But we also know that finding a balance between documenting our travels through our screens and staying in the moment is tough. In 2019, we’d love to see more travelers striking a healthy balance between screen time and being present. 

Support Local Businesses and Makers

As travelers, a lot of our power comes from our wallets. Choosing to support local makers and businesses, family-run lodgings and spending money on goods that directly support the people of an area is power

Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

Another huge power travelers hold is their ability to reduce waste. Between international flights, gasoline on long road trips, single use plastic coffee cups every day – travelers really accumulate a lot of stuff in their trips. Embracing a conscious approach to travel teaches explorers about their impact on the environment. And we’d be thrilled to see more travelers become aware of their impact on the earth!

Master Our Photography Style

Photographing our travels is a skill we should all aspire to master. After all, no matter how many beautiful experiences you accumulate, you’ll only be left with memories… and pictures. Making our photos abroad shine isn’t necessarily difficult – it just takes practice. So why not take the time to develop your personal style of documenting your adventures

Research Local Customs and Traditions Before Take-Off

Being informed on the cool, quirky and respectful traditions of your destination not only connects you to a place in a deeper way, but it also makes you a better traveler. Look into traditional meals, lifestyle quirks and cultural details a tourist might overlook. Find yourself feeling a closer kinship to your destination. Instead of flying on a whim and figuring out the nuances and lifestyles of the locals – we’d love to see more travelers researching customs before they land. 

Practice Gratitude More Often

It can be hard for travelers to practice mindful gratitude in between the hustle and bustle of layovers, homesickness and busy itineraries. Finding little moments every day to say “thank you” for everything requires quiet moments, and stillness – something all travelers struggle with scheduling for themselves. But we’d love to be able to practice gratitude and thankfulness regularly and often throughout our adventures. 

Find More Hidden Gems

We’ve preached our love and devotion for finding hidden gems and small towns – but we’d love to see this take on in the travel industry! Bringing tourism into unknown areas that could hugely benefit from the income can make a big difference in the economy. And there’s nothing like finding a charming place unrecognized by the masses. It feels like the perfect little secret a traveler can keep! 

Connect With Nature

Nature’s power is overwhelming. But many travelers don’t find themselves booking trips solely to reconnect with its beauty. Finding peace and strength in exploring the wild areas of our world is an incredible fete… and can really benefit ones’ mental health. That’s why connecting with nature is a travel resolution for the new year we’d love to see become more popular! 

Embrace Slow Travel

Slow travel is trips centered around prolonged, in-depth experiences. Extending your time in one place solely creates deeper relationships and memories. For adventurers with limited vacation time, long term travel may seem out of the picture. But remember, slow travel is about slowing down your itinerary and enjoy the simple moments. Change your plans  to serve more of one community and less about “must do” activities. Dig deep. We’d love to see more travelers embrace this travel philosophy! 

Finally Master Packing Our Carry-On Luggage

The struggle is real – even for us pros! Our personal goal for the new year… master packing our carry-on luggage once and for all!

What are your travel resolutions for 2019?


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  • Tamara January 6, 2019 at 10:19 am

    I love this article! All great resolutions which I’ll try to keep in mind this year. Personally I think I’d like to focus on practice gratitude more often and finding hidden gems this year.
    The links within the article have been really useful as well!

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