Adventure Advice Interviews

Interview with Dame Traveler and Photographer, Digital Creator and Storyteller Angela Liggs

Hi! My name is Angela and I’m a freelance photographer, digital creator, and storyteller from Vancouver, BC. I am passionate about the outdoors, hiking, and traveling, and aim to prove that life is better outside.

I had no intention of starting a career in social media and photography. Due to my passion for hiking, I naturally fell into this and have always appreciated that my path led me here. Since 2017, I have been actively building an online community of people who are passionate about the outdoors and making meaningful connections.

Here at Dame Traveler, we’re aiming to spotlight female travel photographers who are not only artists in their field but also showcase more than just a female figure in a photograph. Why do you think it’s important for women photographers to be celebrated?

Simply because people think that women always have to be in front of the lens. We have a spot behind the lens, too. Celebrating female photographers more will lead to more awareness of female photographers and their art. That’s more young eyes on women in the photography industry which will make way for even more female representation in the future.

What change would you like to see happen in the travel industry?

I would love to see people slow down when they travel. There’s the motion that you have to see every inch of a country and experience everything you can. I’ve been there myself. If I’ve learned anything after my travels, it’s that almost always things do not go to plan. It’s imperative to go with the flow and make choices that support the local people.

Also, I believe that traveling makes people more empathic because it opens your eyes to how people live around the world, which could be completely different than you.

What is one of the most enthralling experiences you’ve had while photographing the world?

Mother Nature is a powerful force and I’ve been so lucky to experience her in action. I remember being in Iceland in the dead of the winter. It was about -10C and no one was around. It was dark and windy out but you could still see the stars above. One moment I was driving (slowly and carefully, I might add), and the next I was outside the car bending my neck so far back to take in the incredible Northern Lights in the sky. It felt like we (my sister and I) were the only ones around, experiencing this magic, while the wind knocks us around and the cold seeps through our coats. We stood there with the biggest smiles and were shouting with our hands out to our sides. Shortly after I grabbed my camera and tripod and started to try and capture the dancing lights.

Through your experiences, what has travel taught you? What lessons does travel bring to those who experience it?

Travel has taught me that I know little about the world and how people live. There are endless lessons and experiences to be had. It’s taught me that I’ll forever be a student and come across things I never knew existed.

Have you ever faced any hard circumstances or issues as a female travel photographer?

When your work is mostly shared in the digital space, there are millions of people who are able to see it. Which is a good and not-so-good thing. Among many females, if not all, I have had to deal with sexual harassment online. As a white female, I know that it’s not as bad as other females with different backgrounds, which is terrifying.

What piece of advice would you give to new female travel photographers?

Practice. Practice Practice. By shooting a lot you’ll find out how a camera works, how to capture different scenes, and what you are passionate about shooting. Finding what you’re passionate about is crucial because that’s where your drive will come from when your photography journey gets hard—because it will (especially if it is tied together with social media). Keep consistently learning and fine-tuning your craft. It’s an incredible journey, especially because of the places you’ll get to see and experience.

What is your editing process like? Any helpful tips for beginners?

I edit in Lightroom and Photoshop. Like shooting, practicing is the best way to improve and find which editing style and colors you like best. I start with the tone curve, then basic adjustments, then colors/HSL. I then bring it into Photoshop to get rid of minor distractions (like a sign or a person). I love the editing process. It is half the fun of photography!

What is it that you aim to photograph during your travel experiences?

I aim to capture the beauty of Mother Nature and the emotions that people have when in her elements.


Follow more of Angela’s adventures here!

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