Giving Back

Donate Frequent Flier Miles To Refugee Families With These Amazing Organizations

So often as travelers, we are forced to grapple with the insane amount of privilege we have. It can feel overwhelming and quite impossible to grapple with the idea of just how fortunate we are in this world. For the Dame Traveler who’s accumulated frequent flier miles, we’re passionately excited to let you in on a way to give back with big impact.

Today, we’re sharing a few amazing organizations who are currently accepting donations of frequent flier miles to reunite immigrant families. We wholeheartedly believe in the efforts put forth by these organizations, and we hope you do too.

It all started with a simple, viral tweet sent out by Beth Wilensky, a law professor at University Of Michigan, who sent a list of suggestions for those who felt impassioned to help families in need after Trump’s Zero Policy took into affect. This tweet resulted in more than 7.3 million miles donated to Miles4Migrants, an nonprofit organization dedicated to using frequent flier miles and money to assist in relocating those displaced by war and persecution.

The process to donate to Miles4Migrants is simple enough – input your contact information, choose your donation from a list of travel loyalty programs and done!

It’s a user-friendly option to give back those frequent flier miles you simply don’t plan on using. We all know how expensive plane tickets can be. Imagine giving the gift of freedom and reunification to those in need. Don’t have any miles to give away? You can simply donate any amount of cash as well. Any little bit of help goes a long way.

Other great organizations accepting donations of frequent flier miles include Immigrant Families Together, Michigan Support Circle and United Airlines and Uber (who’ve partnered with to donate transportation to detainees). Four other great options for those looking to give back! Plus, there are many other amazing organizations to assist parents and children separated by the border.

(It seems like every day there are more and more organizations assisting in this cause – so please add a comment for nonprofits and other resources we should know about at the bottom of this post!)

For the traveler who is able to give, we hope you consider giving and recognizing the social impact we have on this world. With enough thoughtful, caring, compassionate, open-minded and loving travelers in the world – we are able to recognize the need many people on our globe require.

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